Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Pregnant Women Don't Keep Getting Angry, These Effects on Babies

The temperament of explosive pregnant women seems to have been widely understood. However, you should think again about this, especially because it can affect the condition of the baby in the womb. The condition of a woman's body during pregnancy is actually almost similar to the situation of women before menstruation in general. Starting from breast pain, hormonal changes, to mood disorders. From the emotional side, women at this time can more quickly feel angry or happy to be sad, and vice versa. Sorry, Page was move to here, please visit the link to read full article. Thanks you.

A Perinatologist will handle your pregnancy problems

Pregnant women who have high risk pregnancies or problems with their fetus are advised to consult a perinatologist. The goal is that problems faced related to pregnancy, especially those with certain diseases, get the right treatment so that the mother and fetus remain in a healthy condition until after the birth process. Fetal health must be considered properly, especially for pregnant women who have special health problems. Both require more intensive care and treatment, especially for pregnant women with high risk. Sorry, Page was move to here, please visit the link to read full article. Thanks you.

Bad Breath, Know the Causes and Prevention

Bad breath is caused by improper dental and oral care habits, coupled with not treating it regularly. The type of food you consume also influences, in addition to unhealthy lifestyles that you usually unconsciously live. All the foods you consume, especially those that have a strong aroma, such as garlic, play a role in causing bad breath. Remnants of food left in the mouth contribute to the unpleasant smell in the mouth. If you don't brush your teeth and use dental floss regularly, food scraps will be left between your teeth. This can increase the growth of bacteria in the teeth, tongue, and gums. This is what causes bad breath. Sorry, Page was move to here, please visit the link to read full article. Thanks you.

Fear of Childbirth, This Is the Way You Feel Stronger

The process of giving birth usually invites anxiety, especially for the first time. However, do not let fear and anxiety weaken Mother's struggle to be able to meet with the Tiny. Come on, consider the following tips so you can be strong to give birth. Naturally, if you are attacked by various worries about childbirth. Starting from the fear of pain during labor, fear of having a Caesarean section, even other worries such as being late to the hospital, and so on. Sorry, Page was move to here, please visit the link to read full article. Thanks you.

Don't Panic, Know First Aid for Gunshot Wounds

Gunshot wounds occur when someone is hit by a firearm. Gunshot wounds must be handled appropriately and immediately, so that the lives of gunshot wounds can be saved. Gunshot wounds have different shapes and sizes, depending on the speed of the bullet. Because gunshot wounds can cause dangerous and fatal conditions, first aid must be given immediately to the victim. Sorry, Page was move to here, please visit the link to read full article. Thanks you.
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