Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Don't Panic, Know First Aid for Gunshot Wounds

Gunshot wounds occur when someone is hit by a firearm. Gunshot wounds must be handled appropriately and immediately, so that the lives of gunshot wounds can be saved. Gunshot wounds have different shapes and sizes, depending on the speed of the bullet. Because gunshot wounds can cause dangerous and fatal conditions, first aid must be given immediately to the victim.

Help for Gunshot Injury Victims

Despite being cautious about firearms, unexpected situations can sometimes trigger firefights. When there are riots, terrorist threats, to criminal incidents, shootouts sometimes are inevitable and often lead to gunshot wounds. You who are in this situation should immediately save yourself to a safer place. If around you there are victims of gunshot wounds, take them as far as possible to a safe place and provide first aid while waiting for medical help to arrive. The first aid you can give to a gunshot wound victim is:

1. Position the victim's body properly

After being in a safe location, make sure the gunshot wound victim who is consciously sits or lies in a comfortable position. If the gunshot wound is above the waist, do not lift the leg height because it will make the blood flow more swiftly than the wound.

2. Contact the police and the nearest hospital

After making sure the surrounding environment is safe and the position of the victim is comfortable, immediately call the police or the nearest hospital to inform you of the shooting and gunshot wound victims. Ideally, a gunshot wound victim should get medical treatment within 10 minutes of being shot.

3. Stop bleeding

While waiting for medical attention to come, stop bleeding due to a gunshot wound. You can stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area that is bleeding. Use gauze to press and bandage the gunshot wound so the bleeding can subside. If there is no gauze, you can take advantage of using a clean shirt cut. If the gunshot wound is in the chest area, cover the wound with clean plastic. The aim is to prevent air from entering the chest cavity which can cause the lungs to not expand. However, if the victim experiences shortness of breath after the action, immediately remove the plastic cover.

4. Perform CPR procedures

If you have received training and know how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), give help with this technique if the victim of a gunshot wound stops breathing and his heart stops beating. The steps above you can do as first aid for victims of gunshot wounds. If possible, immediately bring the nearest hospital emergency room victim to get treatment.

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